Underwater Convulsions and how to handle – From Deco Stop Article.

  1. Stabilize the convulsing diver. Control her position in the water column by making physical contact (either with her person or a piece of equipment.) Do not ascend while she is in shock and convulsing.
  2. Do your best to hold the regulator in her mouth (certainly the gas she is breathing MAY be causing the convulsions, and the ideal action would be to have the stricken diver breathe from YOUR gas supply; however, breathing any gas is better than breathing water).
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Valve Drills


The purpose of the valve drill in a training scenario is to familiarize the diver with the proper use of the valves on their manifold and to prepare them to deal with some of the failures that might occur during the dive.

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What Size BC Wing Should I Buy?


When diving, your wing needs only enough lift to compensate for the weight of your breathing gas plus the compression of your exposure suit at depth. Those using suits which don't compress much, such as dive skins or drysuits made of trilaminate or crushed neoprene, will also want some extra lift in order to be able to float comfortably on the surface. And of course the whole rig needs to float by itself if you doff it at the surface.

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Why not use bungied wings?


The use of bungied/bondage wings is strongly discouraged. To start with, one of the primary reasons stated for their use is that they streamline your rig. Ironically, they generally do the exact opposite. Hydrodynamics dictates that rough surfaces create increased turbulence which consequently increases drag. The bungies create a very rough surface and thus are adding to drag. Furthermore the bungies have a tendency to trap air which cause both static and dynamic instability issues.

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Baker's Dozen for not using a Dive Computer


By Jarrod Jablonski

  1. Dive computers tend to induce significant levels of diver dependences, eliminating the awareness so common and essential to all diving but particularly obvious when diving tables
  2. Dive computers do not allow proper planning as divers can't properly "study" the impact of various mixture and decompression choices.
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